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United Way of Salt Lake and The Promise Partnership re-did their grant process. To explain the process, who was eligible for grants, and more, I created the "Community Centered Grants" page. Since the page was built, the average time on it is nearly double the average page time for the rest of


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Community Centered Grants Page

The Goal of Web Redesign

1. Explain United Way of Salt Lake and the Promise Partnership's new granting process
2. Clearly answer who was eligible for grants and the criteria the organizations evaluate when awarding grants.

3. Introduce the new "Promise Incubator Program" and how it relates to our grants.


1. Discovery Phase
2. Wireframe
3. Builds and Edits

Discovery Phase

During the discovery phase, I met with the United Way of Salt Lake grants team, as well as other key stakeholders in the project, which included board members, the Chief Equity Officer, and the Chief Impact Officer, to learn about the new grant process and the important aspects each person wanted incorporated into the page.

Key Takeaways

1. The main idea we want to feature is that we now solely give out grants to programs that align with our work.
2. There are three categories of grants, including the new "Promise Incubator" program.
3. There needs to be a FAQ section where people can find answers to the most common questions our Grant Coordinator receives.


1. The time spent on the grants page was over 4 minutes, which is nearly double the average for all pages.


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